Sunday, February 3, 2019


I have recently revisited a BLOG I created quite a few years ago.
Google is making changes which has prompted me to do the same.

I was so fearful of not knowing how to make a BLOG accessible when I created it. I let fear of the "internet" deter me. So exposure of this assignment was not the best I intended and I managed poorly.  

Social media belongs to all of us. I need to express encouragement with transparency, stories, photos, and quips that express caring for others. We all have learned many things that will ultimately help others if we will share, teach and lead. There is such a need to show others "love is why" we step out into unknown territory throughout this world. Importantly to equip others to do the same.

Many of the writings in this BLOG  were intended to be put in my first book along with others that have never been posted. 

However, Kairos Moments turned out to be my first book. and Barnes& paperback and e books.

Kelly Flemmings, Community Business Development manager at Barnes & Noble who was such an encouragement to me. He was vetting my book and if you know what that is like, you can't read every book in its entirety when you have so many to vet. But he said "The problem I had with your book, Denise. is that I was drawn into it and had to read more." He was one of the people that asked "Where is the work book? I said are you kidding me. I have no idea how to even begin that task. He looked at me very intently and said, "Denise, you don't have to know how to do everything. God will bring people in your life to do things you can't. Just like I am helping you." 

Well there you have it. If you have any desire to write that book that has been sitting on your shelf in note form only and collecting dust, get it off the shelf and bring it to life with your part as an author in the assignment.  

Currently my new book; a companion work book for Kairos Moments is in Layout with my copy editor. I am very excited to see how this combination will be used to serve in group study!  

I think transforming this BLOG will be one of my next projects!


Ms. Denise

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Is it too noisy when you want silence?
Is it too silent when you want noise?
We would do well to ask ourselves where
the silence as well as the noise
is coming from.
We would then be better off to understand
both the silence and the noise.
Both contain a history and a future.

Saturday, February 16, 2013


You Bless me!
Your possessions
Unfold in my life!


Note:  From my journal 2007
Sometimes I sing to God---a lot really!
Today, in the year 2013, and as I look back over many situations in my life and in the lives of my family and friends, I truly see how God was ALWAYS working on our behalf.  I bet you can see it to in your own life!!


Thursday, January 12, 2012

January 7, 2o12

One of the projects I am working on currently is compiling a book containing all the Love Letters (thus far) my husband has written me. It was a Christmas tradition that began over 20years ago.

This is a year of change. Our son will be graduating and going on to college. I have spent a lot of time preparing “Senior” things like going through photos, and numerous other finalizing details for our college-bound lad. In doing so, I have likened it to traveling back through time at a rapid pace. The memories are incredible to say the least. Two things happen; firstly, you turn the pages of time in photo albums and secondly, your mind fills in all the details of the events. It has brought me great joy.

This particular letter to my husband is the only one in the book from me to him. I don’t write the Love Letters, he does and I get to receive them (always anxiously awaited). However, this particular year I was moved to write him one. It has been years since I have read it.

The reason I chosen to share is this: As I recall the last 20 years, we have travelled an emotional and spiritual journey. Like most married couples, we have been and are on quite a voyage. There were many storms to weather and get through; deserts to cross, valleys to climb up out of, tragedy’s to overcome, mountains to travail, hurts to mend…..all while looking toward the love for each other that desires to prevail.

The key word is “through”. We didn’t give up. We were and are committed to our marriage. The grass is not really greener on the other side, it’s just different. There is no “if only” that would have been a better choice for either one of us in our marriage. We chose each other forever. When the last page of this life has turned, we will still be together.

I was moved by my expression of love when I re-read this letter. But I must tell you, I realized also that some things I needed to be reminded of. He is the wonderful man God gave to me and deserving of my love and respect.

Today, I see so many marriages choose to give up. I would like this letter to serve as a reminder of how powerful the greatest commandment is to “love”. Every marriage is a covenant and not to be taken lightly. It is my prayer that you are hopeful and faithful to your marriage and experience the fullness and depth of love for each other that it was intended to be.

I appreciate the refreshing it has given me to re-read this letter. Maybe it means something to you.


September 30th 1997

My Dearest Husband;

This letter is so long overdue. I have wanted for sometime now to write YOU a love letter. Over the last few years you have written me such beautiful love letters and I eagerly await each one now at Christmas time. Mine can, in no way measure up to your gift of writing and expres-sing your love for me. So into my heart, please look, as you read this.

I was told some years ago that God would restore my family to me. I had no idea how He would do that. When I look at you and our son, I wonder how I could have ever questioned the Almighty. Since our first date I new we were something exceptional. Our relationship since our marriage has become stronger, closer and more discerning. The amount of trust I have for you in immeasurable. That alone, was such a strong beginning. With unspoken words, you have always tried to do what is right. Not just for me and for our son, but for all concerned.

Over the last few years, I have observed your growth in restructuring the family business as well as redefining your spiritual quest. I have watched you struggle without wavering. And I have seen your humble success. There have been times that I have felt powerless to help you in your endeavors. Growing into motherhood, I have not always known how to direct my energies where needed. And to you, my husband, I ask forgiveness for the times that I did not do or say the right thing. You are so worthy. And it is my hearts desire to be the best wife and mother I can possibly be.

Every day is a genuine new beginning. The past holds us to absolutely nothing but future wisdom. With you as my beloved husband, to love, honor and obey, until death do us part we can accomplish anything.

(Yes, I said obey. If I remember correctly, I chose not to use that word in our marriage vows.) As growth would have it, I have learned that you would never ask of me anything that would be harmful in anyway. So when we renew our wedding vows, I will be delighted to utilize the word. I will always aspire to be the companion God wants me to be for you. As Jesus had and has such amazing compassion for man, I pray daily that He will change me and reveal to me your needs.

A day does not pass that I do not long for your caress. When you are away, I miss you. I need to hear your voice and look into your beautiful blue eyes that tell all. I know now what true love consists of. It’s everything we are. It’s a relationship that there could never be enough time for. It’s ongoing. Each day is awaited with anticipation. What blessings will there be, what mountains will we overcome? Love is the hurt we feel for one another that no one else can know. Love is the special place in your heart for one another that no one else can fill. I could never spend enough time with you. Sadly, some people will search a lifetime and never ever have what we have. I am so b blessed to be your wife and to have given birth to your son. If possible, I would have loved to have given you lots of children.

Together, I look forward to raising our son. He will be the successor of your inspiration and insight so admirable given. More than anything though, the greatest gift to him will be the spiritual Godly foundation instilled within our home. You and I do not have a lot of that upbringing in our family history. That quest together will bring a long awaited generational change. I have never seen a father more proud than you. Especially when I see you gazing at that sleeping little boy in your arms. One of the greatest blessings a mother and wife can have is to see the love her husband has for her child.

The time we spend together is so precious to me. When ever we are talking, driving, watching a movie, working in the yard or having dinner, I find it difficult to choose a favorite. I know that we don’t have a lot of intimate time together, but that certainly doesn’t mean that I am not trying to figure out how to HAVE a date with you. There is always passion in my heart for you and there is nothing that can hold a candle to the intimate bond we share.

I have learned so much from you and will never stop. You taught me many things as I was working outside our home and you still teach me. My husband, you have character unsurpassed by none. I have wondrous admiration for you and am amazed at the many gifts you have. Are you sure you didn’t stand in line twice when God was passing out these things? I think I was LOOKING for the line to get in. That would be why, if we home school , you will be the teacher and I will be recess . . . . . . gladly.

I wish I could say we have been married for at least 25 years. Though I can’t, I know that our lifetime together will continue to be filled with tremendous excitement. We simply got a later start than most, and that’s okay. In years to come the memories we are building will be treasures upon which to reminisce.

Recently, we had a horrific scare. And the only mention of it I want to say is that there is nothing we cannot go through together. Equally so, there is nothing I want to go through apart. You are my true love and I want us to continue enjoying a healthy, prosperous, happy and spiritually fulfilled life. I have no better friend than you and there is nothing that I would not share with you.

Last of all, you have always made me feel like a princess and every time I see you it is like Christmas. You will forever be like a new package to open.

Your Loving and Devoted Wife,

Monday, November 7, 2011

A Journey Through Cancer

Do you know someone with cancer?

Your answer is probably yes.

My answer is yes.

Quite a few dear friends of mine are walking that journey alongside a loved one. Recently, for me, it's my precious sister's husband. Though we are many miles apart, I have joined her in her journey. I can sincerely and honestly say I don't know completely how she feels, but to use her exact words; "Though people cannot really understand how I feel and my experience in this, those that do, their compassion runs deep". I told her I could not have said it more beautifully. Walking through cancer not only affects the person with it, but also the entire family and a host of friends.


Zechariah 7:9 says this:

Thus says the LORD of hosts;

Execute true justice,

Show mercy and compassion

Everyone to his brother.

My sister has a personality that does not see a stranger and always sees the brighter side of everything. She's beautiful, funny, encouraging, strong, and mischevious. Spending time with her is to be reminded of the joy of life. I miss shopping with her and finding great bargains. We always had so much fun that people were drawn to what we were doing and wanted in on it. This is not to say that she does not have sad days, she does, but she does not plan on them. They just happen at the most odd times and places and she goes with that.

I want to tell you about a party they had at their house a month or so ago. They have two incredible sons that wanted to do the cooking. The menu at their cook out is usually elk, venesin, salmon, fresh vegetables from their garden, homemade zuzzini bread and homemade salsa from mild to spicy. Then of course, since this was a neighborhood afair there was even more of a variety added to this culinary feast.

You see in their neighborhood there are several who are courageously going through cancer treatments, side affects and healing. My sister wanted very much to bring all these families together to support one another and encourage one another. To give the neighborhood an awareness of eachother and what it means to stop in and say things like "I'm going to the store. Is there anything you need? or How are you feeling today? or How about a cup of coffee or lunch or simply visiting for a bit?

They expected about 30 people or so. They ended up with 75 people! There was plenty of food and drink because they don't skimp on their cook outs and everyone was more then generous when they arrived with thier favorite dishes to share.

Since my brother-in-law began cancer treatments like many, he began loosing his hair----his "blond locks". He is one of these guys that has kept his blond hair and same pant size since highschool. My sister and I can only imagine that! They married as high school sweethearts and have remained the in their mid sixties. She asked him one day if he wanted her to take him to get his head shaved. Then she said "I think we can do it". His reply was just the two of us? Somewhat skeptical, but they did shave his head about a week before the cook out. What followed next was their two sons showing up with shaved heads as well.

As if that wasn't touching enough. During the party at their house there were 12 men lined up to have their heads shaved! Their daughter-in-law was there and happened to be the experienced "shaver of heads". My sister said it was the most amazing thing to see. I don't know about you, but I would love to have been there. Moments like that are precious aren't they!? Time spent loving one another and cheering each other on causes the heart to press on in difficult times.

Crossing your path today

will be someone that needs

a kind word and prayer.

Don't miss it.

Much love to my family and friends who are on this same journey.
Denise Sherriff
November 8, 2011

Monday, July 18, 2011

Wonder about it then Ponder it.

Sometimes..................well, that's not true. I should say "a Lot". A lot of the time I find myself wondering about the "stuff " of life. Does God want me to do this or that, now or later, with or without, you know, things like that.......................

There's a freshness in "wondering"

when we untie it from the strings of doubt.

Then it becomes a state of

"pondering" in real freedom.

I find that soon after that, excitement and

joy arrive for what God has for us.

Look out your window of opportunity

with eyes that really desire to see.

It's not a matter of wondering

"if" God has something for you.

It's a matter of capturing the vision

of what He most assuredly has for you.

Now, you can "ponder" about the "Wonder" of God.


Denise Sherriff


Thursday, June 9, 2011


When we pray for our own needs, it's good practice to listen for the prayers of others.


Two things happen when we share:

ONE, it's passing on something

we don't need so much of,


TWO, it's receiving something

we might need more of.

It's an exchange taking place

and often we don't even realize the power in it.

Denise Sherriff